Industry Insider Urges Microsoft to Reconsider Xbox Series S Release

Industry Insider Urges Microsoft to Reconsider Xbox Series S Release

During the onset of​ the latest console era, Microsoft promised that the affordable Xbox Series S ​would not hinder the progress of the gaming industry. However, feedback from developers, including Del⁢ Walker, a former artist at Rocksteady Studios,‍ Naughty Dog, and Respawn Entertainment, has been less than favorable towards the Series S.

Walker took to social media to express his frustrations:

I really wish the Series S never existed. It’s such a hassle to ‍optimize for that console. I fear we may see ‌more game releases skipping Xbox in the future.

Don’t take offense to​ my‌ personal experience – I simply dislike having to optimize current-gen games for that console. I wish it never came​ into existence. The Xbox Series X, ‌on the other hand, is a⁣ remarkable piece of hardware; an outstanding console.

In response to Walker’s ‌comments, he elaborated that due to the ⁤Series S, developers are compelled to downgrade games even ⁤for more potent platforms:

It’s not just about graphics. If a game has 40 enemies on‍ screen on Series X, ⁤you won’t be able to handle that much AI, processing, VFX, multiple animations, etc., running on Series ‌S – so now you’re forced to create a game with only 18 enemies on screen. It impacts the entire game.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft mandates studios to maintain gameplay consistency – versions for Series X and S may vary in graphics and frame rate, but not ‌in gameplay. The first exception⁢ was made for Baldur’s Gate III – the RPG version for the budget model lacks local co-op support.

The recent days have been challenging for ​ Microsoft‘s gaming division:

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