Important Information about Spain’s Election this Sunday

Important Information about Spain’s Election this Sunday

Spaniards went ‌to ​the polls on Sunday⁢ to vote in an early general election that could see the right return to power and, more crucially, the far right enter the national ‍government for the ⁢first time since the Franco dictatorship, ⁢nearly a ‌half-century ago.

The outcome will‍ determine whether Spain — a nation of about 48⁤ million people and the European Union’s fourth-largest economy — follows a growing trend in‍ Europe, where hard-right parties are surging in​ popularity and, in some cases, gaining power by entering governments as junior partners.

Spain has succeeded in stabilizing its economy and politics after years of upheavals marked by a devastating⁣ financial crisis, a prolonged secessionist conflict in ⁣Catalonia and repeated failures to form a government.

Pedro Sánchez, the current prime minister, has been in power for five years. ⁤He leads a fragile ‍coalition government made up of various left-wing parties, including his own, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.

Still, under Mr. Sánchez’s leadership, Spain ⁢has enjoyed a period of strong economic growth and low inflation.‍ He‌ is​ also popular in the European Union for his progressive ‌and pro-Europe policies.

Spain was not due to elect a⁤ new Parliament until November. But‌ after the Socialists and their allies suffered crushing defeats in regional and municipal elections in May, Mr. Sánchez dissolved ‍Parliament and called a ​snap election for this Sunday. He said that the outcome of the vote conveyed “a message ‌that goes beyond” ‍local resentment, and that he​ took “personal ​responsibility for the results.”

The move was seen⁣ as an attempt by Mr. Sánchez to remobilize his supporters and halt ‍his coalition government’s steady decline in popularity. But it also opened the way for the conservative Popular Party to return to power earlier than expected — possibly in an alliance with‍ the far right.

Spain has long been ‌regarded as a bulwark against the rise ⁢of nationalism in Europe. While populist and far-right ‍victories were ⁣piling up across the continent, nationalist forces in Spain long ⁤failed to gain a foothold, largely because Spaniards remain traumatized by Gen. Francisco Franco’s four-decade dictatorship.

That started to change​ in recent years, after a secessionist movement in Catalonia, ⁤in northeastern Spain, helped revive nationalist sentiments. The ⁢main catalyst⁢ of that resurgence, Vox — a party with an anti-migrant agenda and a history of ⁢opposing L.G.B.T.Q. rights and questioning climate change — is now projected to garner about 13 percent of Sunday’s vote.

This outcome would have no major consequences if the Popular Party, which is ⁣leading the polls with about 34 percent of voting ⁢intentions, did not need Vox’s support to ‍govern. But most studies suggest that it would, meaning that the far right could enter the Spanish government for the first time‍ since the return of democracy in the 1970s.

The Popular Party has refrained from…

2023-07-23 16:34:34
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