Implications for Europe as Poland’s rightwing parties lose control of government: Tuesday briefing

Implications for Europe as Poland’s rightwing parties lose control of government: Tuesday briefing

Dzień dobry. “It is the end of⁤ evil ‍times,” Donald Tusk, the former prime‌ minister of Poland and leader ⁣of the​ country’s main opposition party, declared as polls indicated⁤ a clear majority for a centre-left coalition​ in what has been billed as Poland’s ‌most important general election since the⁣ fall of communism‍ in 1989. “We did it,⁣ for ⁤real. Poland won, democracy won.”

Well, technically, ‍Tusk’s Civic Coalition ​(KO) party didn’t win. But it doesn’t matter,‌ as the ⁣ruling⁣ nationalist Law and Justice ⁣(PiS) party and its potential rightwing partner do not appear to have won enough⁣ votes to extend nine⁢ years in ‌power.

“I have been a politician for many years. I’m an athlete. Never ⁢in my life have I⁢ been so⁣ happy about taking seemingly second place. It’s the end of​ the‌ evil‌ times, it’s the ⁢end⁢ of the PiS rule. ⁤We made it,” Tusk told‌ jubilant supporters at a victory party in Warsaw’s ethnography museum. “This‍ day​ will be ⁢remembered in history as a bright⁣ day, ‌the rebirth of Poland.”

After ⁣the headlines we’ll take a deep dive into Poland’s fractious politics, and what the result ‍means for the people of Poland and the country’s place in the⁢ world. Our guide is⁢ the Guardian’s central and eastern Europe correspondent Shaun Walker, ‌who was at Tusk’s‌ party and has been taking the temperature on the streets of Warsaw.

Five big stories

Brussels shooting| Brussels is on its highest level of security alert after two Swedes were shot dead in ⁢the ‍centre of the city by a gunman who ‍federal prosecutors said claimed to be inspired by Islamic State.

Israel-Hamas​ war ​| ​President Joe Biden will travel to Israel for talks with prime minister ‍Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday as⁤ concerns grow that the Israel-Hamas war could spiral ⁤into a regional conflict.

Conservatives | The Conservative MP Peter Bone repeatedly​ hit and verbally abused a member of his staff,⁤ often asked him for massages and on one occasion put his bare genitals in the other man’s face, according to a report by a House of Commons‌ regulator.

UK news | Counter-terrorism police are leading an investigation into the suspected murder of a man and the assault of another after⁢ an incident ⁢in Hartlepool ​in the ​early hours of‌ Sunday.

Economy | The‌ Bank ⁣of England has more “work to do” to ensure inflation is brought back under control, ⁣the chief economist Huw Pill has said. Raising ‍the possibility‍ of⁢ an increase in borrowing costs from the ‌Bank, Pill said the fact ⁣that the‍ headline measure ⁢of the cost of living was ‌falling was not enough to claim⁤ victory.

In depth: ‘For a⁣ long time, Poland has been the problem child for⁢ the European Union’Polish Deputy prime ⁤minister and ‌leader of the PiS (Law and Justice)​ party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski arrives to cast⁣ his ​vote at a polling station in Warsaw, Poland on‌ 15 October ​2023. ⁢Photograph: Janek⁢ Skarżyński/AFP/Getty Images

Tusk, 66, and PiS‌ leader Jarosław Kaczyński, 74, were once⁢ on the same side. In 1989 ‍they ⁤were both…

2023-10-17 00:45:02
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