ID Software Identifies Genuine Santa Claus Among Impersonators

ID Software Identifies Genuine Santa Claus Among Impersonators

Santa impersonators watch out. Scientists have created ⁤a Santa-detection machine and ​used it to prove what‍ children have been ⁣telling adults for ⁢generations​ –⁤ that Santa has a unique face which clearly distinguishes him from other elderly⁢ bearded men.

Previous research has suggested that children as young as three can identify Santa ⁤Claus based on his distinctive appearance.

“Santa Claus or Father Christmas⁣ is⁢ obviously a very​ recognisable person, but we⁣ wondered whether this is because of his clothing, his beard or his face?”​ said Dr Thomas Wright, a clinical geneticist at the University of Manchester, who led the research. “Until ⁢now no one has ever ​systematically and⁤ scientifically interrogated the modern face of Father‌ Christmas.”

To⁣ investigate, Wright and his ‌colleagues ‌trained a​ deep-learning facial-recognition algorithm – similar to‌ the facial ID software used to unlock smartphones⁢ or identify people ⁣in digital photo libraries ⁢– on multiple images of ⁣Santa gathered from the internet. They then ​used the‌ software to scrutinise further images of Santa, as well⁣ as other adult men and elderly men with beards.

“The important thing is ⁤that this [algorithm] is only looking at the facial features. It doesn’t care what the​ individual is wearing or⁢ what colours ⁣are in the photograph. We ‍wanted to know, does Father ⁣Christmas have a facial phenotype that is distinguishable from other adult men or ⁣other ​elderly bearded men?” said​ Wright.

The research, published in the ‌journal Vision, found that Santa’s ⁣face is distinguishable from those other men – although whether internet representations of Santa are an accurate ​portrayal of the real​ magical inhabitant of‌ the north pole, only Rudolph and his ⁤friends ​can say.

Their⁢ tool also ⁤did not categorise as ⁣Santa any images of Saint‍ Nicholas, an ⁢early Christian bishop from the Middle East whose ⁤habit of ⁣secret gift ​giving is⁢ thought to have inspired modern ideas about ‌Father Christmas. Neither did ⁤it classify Walter‍ Clement Shields, an early 20th-century Alaskan man recently proposed as a prototype for Santa, even though he also delivered gifts by reindeer sleigh.

Wright wants to ​examine whether related festive characters, such as Papa Noël, Tomte, Julenissen,⁢ Ded Moroz, Sinterklaas and Los Reyes Magos, might pass the⁣ test, as well as dedicated ⁣Santa ⁣impersonators who attend the annual World Santa Claus Congress.

The tool could also be developed to provide a Santa “lookalike score”, rather than merely classifying individuals as “Santa” “adult man” or “elderly bearded man”, Wright suggested.

It would also be⁤ interesting to explore whether other folklore characters, such as the Tooth Fairy, Robin Hood, and Tom Thumb, had distinct faces, ​he added.

2023-12-24 04:14:52
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