IBM and Salesforce collaborate to drive enterprise AI advancement

IBM and Salesforce collaborate to drive enterprise AI advancement

Salesforce and ​IBM are teaming up to provide generative AI for the enterprise, combining their respective efforts into what the companies hope will be a​ more attractive package for CRM customers.

The partnership,⁤ announced on ⁢Thursday, will focus on several areas in the CRM value chain, including the integration of Salesforce offerings for sale ​with IBM’s consulting ⁣business. IBM said it will use its Garage digital transformation methodology to help customers implement Salesforce AI technologies‌ such as Sales ⁣Cloud and Marketing Cloud.

Customers will also be able to access IBM’s Data Classifier tool; it’s designed to simplify data mapping via ​industry-specific AI models, on their Salesforce-generated ⁤data, and to ⁢complement Salesforce’s AI tooling with its ⁢watsonx AI and data platform.

The collaboration‌ should allow enterprises⁣ to get⁤ genAI working ⁢for ⁣them more⁢ simply and easily, according ​to Matt ‍Candy, IBM Consulting’s global ‌managing partner for generative AI. ‌“We see how⁣ the need to increase employee productivity while simultaneously elevating the customer experience with speed, personalization,‍ and convenience has ‍surged exponentially,” he ⁣said in ​a statement.

The start of‌ a⁤ partnership of this ‍kind has⁣ been in the cards​ for some time, according to Arun Chandrasekaran, distinguished vice president ⁢and analyst at Gartner Research. He said one of the major focuses for IBM’s consulting⁢ business of late has been attempting to increase the⁣ company’s ⁣wallet share with non-IBM products.

“To that end, they’ve been increasing the‍ workforce and consulting capabilities with third-party partners,” Chandrasekaran said.

Despite IBM’s work with Watson, genAI is an area where the company is lagging behind, forcing it to​ become more strategic‌ in its moves around the technology, he added.

“I ⁤think ⁢one of the areas where ‌they believe ‌they can add value is to help other vendors deliver⁢ AI in ‌a more responsible and a more trustworthy‌ way,” Chandrasekaran said. “What I mean by that is, ​they’re ⁢building tools⁢ for everything from model explainability⁤ to model monitoring to bias protection and‌ so ‍on and ⁣so forth.”

The partnership is unlikely to slow either company’s in-house efforts to ⁣develop more advanced genAI technologies, ⁤however. There’s too much at stake for​ both‍ Salesforce and IBM for​ either company to stop doing⁣ core work on model development.

“I ⁣don’t really see this as the kind of partnership where [it’s] ‘You do⁤ this, I do this,’” said Chanrdasekaran.‌ “I see this more⁤ or less ‌like, ‘Hey, I’m bringing more and more products to customers, and ​I really want a services‍ partner that could help us implement them very well.”

The joint offerings from the partnership are available now.

2023-09-01 17:00:03
Article from ​ rnrn

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