Higgs Boson’s Mass Achieves Unprecedented Precision, Thanks to ATLAS

Higgs Boson’s Mass Achieves Unprecedented Precision, Thanks to ATLAS

In ⁢the 11 years since its ​discovery‌ at the Large Hadron Collider​ (LHC), ‍the Higgs boson has​ become ‍a central avenue⁣ for ​shedding‌ light⁢ on ‌the fundamental structure of the universe. Precise measurements of the properties ‌of⁢ this special‍ particle are among the most powerful⁣ tools ⁣physicists have to test⁤ the‍ Standard Model, currently‍ the ⁢theory that‌ best‍ describes‍ the world of particles ⁣and their interactions.⁤ At‍ the Lepton⁤ Photon Conference this week, ⁣the ATLAS collaboration reported‍ how it⁤ has measured⁢ the ⁤mass of the Higgs boson​ more​ precisely than ever before.

The mass⁤ of the​ Higgs ⁢boson ⁣is‌ not predicted⁢ by​ the Standard Model and must ‌therefore‌ be determined by experimental ⁢measurement. Its ⁣value governs the ‌strengths of the⁣ interactions‍ of the Higgs boson with the other elementary ‍particles ⁣as‌ well ⁣as ​with ‍itself. A‍ precise‍ knowledge ⁢of this fundamental ​parameter is ​key ⁢to⁣ accurate​ theoretical calculations‌ which,​ in‌ turn, ‍allow physicists to confront their ‌measurements of the‍ Higgs‌ boson’s properties ⁢with predictions ‌from⁣ the⁢ Standard Model. Deviations from ‌these predictions would ⁣signal the presence⁢ of ⁤new or unaccounted-for phenomena. ⁣The Higgs boson’s mass is also a crucial ‌parameter driving the ​evolution⁣ and the⁤ stability of the universe’s‌ vacuum.

The‍ ATLAS and ⁣CMS collaborations​ have ⁤been making ‌ever more precise measurements ⁤of⁤ the‌ Higgs ⁤boson’s‍ mass⁤ since ⁣the ‌particle’s⁣ discovery. The new⁤ ATLAS measurement combines ⁤two ‍results: a new Higgs boson mass measurement based ⁢on ⁣an analysis ‌of the particle’s decay ⁤into two ‌high-energy photons (the⁣ “diphoton ⁢channel”) ⁣and an earlier mass⁢ measurement ‍based⁣ on⁢ a⁣ study of its ⁢decay into four ​leptons (the‍ “four-lepton​ channel”).

The new measurement in the ‍diphoton ​channel, which combines analyses of⁣ the‍ full ATLAS data ⁤sets‌ from Runs​ 1‌ and 2 of the LHC, resulted​ in a mass ⁤of⁣ 125.22 ⁢billion electronvolts (GeV) ⁣with‍ an‍ uncertainty‍ of only‍ 0.14 GeV. ​With⁢ a precision of 0.11%,‌ this diphoton-channel ⁣result ⁢is the most precise measurement to ‌date‌ of⁤ the⁣ Higgs boson’s ⁣mass from a ⁢single​ decay channel.

Compared to the⁢ previous ATLAS⁢ measurement in this channel, the new result ‌benefits both from the ⁤full⁢ ATLAS Run 2 data‌ set, ⁤which ‍reduced ⁢the statistical uncertainty by a ‍factor⁣ of⁣ two, ⁤and ⁤from dramatic ⁤improvements to the calibration ‌of ‌photon ⁢energy measurements, which‍ decreased the​ systematic uncertainty by almost a factor ‌of four‌ to 0.09 GeV.

2023-07-22 02:00:03
Link‌ from ⁢phys.org rnrn

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