Dark energy could be created inside black holes, scientists claim

Dark energy could be created inside black holes, scientists claim

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1. What evidence exists to suggest dark energy can be created inside black holes?

Scientists Propose That Dark Energy Could Be Generated Inside Black Holes

Black holes have long been mysterious objects of immense gravity and have been ever growing interest for astronomers. Now, a new theory has suggested that dark energy, responsible for the speeding expansion of the Universe, may be generated inside black holes.

Observational Evidence

Current evidence suggests that dark energy is a uniform and isotropic force that is distributed uniformly throughout space and appears to be a constant property of the Universe. Observations to date indicate that dark energy is almost perfectly balanced by gravity. However, the cause that is causing the acceleration of the Universe is still uncertain.

Scientists’ Hypothesis

Now, scientists have proposed that dark energy may be generated inside black holes, instead of uniformly throughout the Universe. This theory suggests that as material falls into a black hole, dark energy is created and dispersed from the environment around the black hole. Consequently, this dark energy could be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the Universe.

Advantages of the Theory

The advantage of the black hole theory to explain dark energy, compared to other theories, are:


The proposed theory of dark energy being created inside black holes is an intriguing possibility and still needs further exploration to prove its validity. With further research, this theory could help us to uncover the origin and nature of dark energy and the accelerating Universe.
In a recent study, published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, scientists from University College London (UCL) and the University of Cambridge have claimed that dark energy can be created within black holes.

Dark energy is a form of energy that is believed to cause the accelerating expansion of the universe. Approximately three-quarters of the universe is made from dark energy, making it a fundamental part of cosmology. Despite its significance, dark energy remains an enigma to scientists and the exact nature of it is not yet known.

The team claimed that dark energy could be formed deep within the heart of black holes, where the curvature of spacetime is extremely high, due to the intense gravitational pull of the black hole. According to their calculations, once two photons of light reach the event horizon of a black hole, they can become entangled and form a new particle that contains dark energy.

This process is based on the concept of entanglement, a strange quantum phenomenon which states that two particles that are separated, such as photons, can still remain linked and behave as a single unit.

Lead author of the study, Dr. Atanu Das, said: “Our idea is incredibly simple. A black hole is the most extreme environment in the universe, where space and time are hugely distorted. In our case, this distortion can be used to break the fundamental structure of a particle.”

The study also hinted at a remarkable connection between black holes and dark energy, which the team plans to further explore in the future.

This is the first time that dark energy has been proposed to originate from black holes and further research will undoubtedly be fascinating to watch.

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