Hands-on with the Kontrol S-Series MK3: A Premium MIDI Keyboard for Devoted Native Instruments Users

Hands-on with the Kontrol S-Series MK3: A Premium MIDI Keyboard for Devoted Native Instruments Users

Native Instruments’ Kontrol ​S series MIDI keyboards are highly regarded by producers and musicians due to their sturdy construction and seamless integration with the company’s instruments like Kontakt and Massive ‌X. This‌ year, the controllers are receiving a significant upgrade ⁢that elevates the hardware to new levels and enhances the integration with the company’s ‌flagship software.

Physically, there are a few noticeable differences on the Kontrol⁢ S ⁤MK3. Firstly, the stark matte ‍black design has been slightly toned‌ down. While it remains predominantly black, additional lights and‌ colored labels have been added to certain ⁤buttons. The touch strip has also been relocated above the‍ pitch⁤ and mod wheels, which may seem like a ‍minor adjustment⁣ but greatly improves playability. It ​used to obstruct the ‌way⁤ and was a common complaint among Native Instruments’ customers, so it’s great to see the company taking feedback into account.

Terrence⁤ O’Brien /…

2023-09-12 11:20:55
Source from www.engadget.com rnrn

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