Google’s new ChromeOS-Windows connection: Blurring the lines with brilliance

Google’s new ChromeOS-Windows connection: Blurring the lines with brilliance

When I tell people a Chromebook could conceivably replace⁢ their Windows laptop, there’s often ⁢an asterisk attached — particularly when it ​comes to productivity-obsessed computer owners.

And that asterisk almost always comes down ⁤to Windows software.

It’s the subject of the second question ​in my heavily ⁣referenced “Is​ ChromeOS right for you?” guide, in fact, and for good ‌reason: The biggest thing one⁤ has ⁤to think about⁢ when moving ⁤to a Chromebook is⁣ what type of work you dive into‌ on a ‌daily basis‌ and whether ​the tools ⁣you need would exist ⁢in‌ the‌ ChromeOS universe.

Honestly, the typical answer might surprise you. For the ⁣vast ​majority of people these days, ChromeOS’s web-centric approach ⁤is more than enough to ‍get the job done. Most of ⁣us mere mortals spend most of our time‍ in browser-based⁤ apps — or easily could — and‍ especially when you add in the platform’s availability of more advanced ⁣progressive web ‍apps along with Android apps and even Linux apps, there’s very little most people would need to do that they couldn’t‍ accomplish on a ⁤Chromebook ​at this​ point.

The main exception tends to revolve around the business world and the lingering reality of Windows-specific company software. But — oh, yes‌ —‍ that exception is ⁣about to be extinguished.

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Allow me to explain.

Google’s ChromeOS asterisks

For businesses in⁤ particular, Chromebooks can⁣ offer some significant advantages in cost, simplicity, and⁤ security compared to more traditional operating system ⁤setups. But when a company has a specific⁢ app ‍that’s available only on Windows, whether it’s a ⁣custom creation or a niche​ industry tool, shifting to a platform that doesn’t support that software clearly isn’t an option.

Google’s heard plenty about this over the years. And so this week, it’s taking⁤ a significant step to address it.

The answer is almost shockingly‍ sensible, if simultaneously surreal:⁤ Google⁢ is making Windows apps natively available in​ ChromeOS, as a​ paid add-on for companies that require such flexibility. So, yes, if your business opts in for access, you’ll be able to run any Windows-based app right on your Chromebook,⁢ as ​if it ⁤were locally installed on that ⁣system. And it’ll look and act essentially no different than any⁤ web, Android,​ or Linux program⁣ you encounter in your day-to-day ChromeOS adventures.


The feat comes by way of an expanded partnership with a company ⁣called Cameyo (which is⁤ pronounced cuh-MAY-oh, by the ​way —⁤ not CAM-ee-oh). If that⁢ sounds ​familiar, it should: Cameyo’s‌ been working⁤ with Google for a while ⁣to ⁣offer this service as⁣ an external add-on companies can purchase and then ‍use ⁤within ChromeOS for this same basic ‌purpose. I⁤ wrote about ⁤it‍ earlier this year, in fact, and described how seamless and sensible ‍of an⁣ experience it creates:

A Windows app actually appears on a Chromebook as a…

2023-08-22 10:00:03
Link from rnrn

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