Google acknowledges that YouTube’s battle against ad blockers is leading to less than ideal viewing experiences

Google acknowledges that YouTube’s battle against ad blockers is leading to less than ideal viewing experiences

Some YouTube viewers who use Firefox or‍ Edge instead of Chrome have reported experiencing a delay of around five seconds when loading a video. Screen recordings shared on Reddit and other online​ forums show⁢ that the screen goes blank for a short period after clicking⁣ on a YouTube video before the page ⁣loads. However, this⁣ delay does‍ not seem to occur when using Chrome. Android Authority ⁤and 404media, which reported on these complaints, were unable to replicate the issue. We also did not observe ​any difference in loading times when accessing YouTube on different browsers. 

According to code discovered by some YCombinator and Reddit⁣ users,‍ YouTube has implemented an‍ anti-adblocker mechanism that is causing these‌ delays. ⁤We have found the code snippet mentioned in these threads, but ​its exact purpose is not‍ clear. In a statement provided to​ Android Authority, ⁢Google admitted that⁣ it has implemented a system intended‍ to ‌encourage viewers…

2023-11-21 06:50:41
Source from⁣ rnrn

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