“Gaza’s Traumatized Children Desperately Require Psychological Aid with No Solution in Sight”

“Gaza’s Traumatized Children Desperately Require Psychological Aid with No Solution in Sight”

Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip – Within the ⁤busy courtyard of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the central Gaza Strip,‍ psychologist Mohamed Abushawish has carved⁢ a space to provide⁢ early psychological ‍assistance to children seeking⁤ refuge there.

Beneath Israel’s relentless bombardment‌ of Gaza, ​Abushawish provides⁣ activities for the children in the hospital’s‌ hallways and open spaces.

Since the first‍ days of the ​war, about 300‍ families have sought shelter in the hospital. Numbers have steadily increased following orders from ⁤the Israeli authorities for residents of ⁤Gaza City in⁤ the north to relocate ‍to the southern side ⁤of the Strip.

Timidly, the children tentatively join an active circle organised ‌by‍ Abushawish, who gently invites them to come in.

Among them, 10-year-old Hamsa Irshi, with a bright smile, claps along with the other children in the circle. ​She recounted to Al Jazeera the story of her ​family’s departure ⁢from their home in the al-Daraj neighbourhood of ⁣eastern Gaza City.

“Last Friday, my mother and⁣ three siblings⁣ accompanied me ‍to ‍my uncle’s house in Deir ‌el-Balah,” she said. “However, that same night, Israeli air raids targeted my uncle’s house, killing​ their entire family.”

Link from‌ www.aljazeera.com

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