Gamers Unite: Outrage Over Closure of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks Sparks Controversy

Xbox leadership has ⁣made a significant ⁣announcement regarding the closure of studios⁢ under the Bethesda umbrella. Arkane Austin ⁤and Tango Gameworks, while not blockbuster hits, had​ their⁤ own dedicated fan base. The gaming community wasted no time in ⁣reacting to this news. Previously​ excited about Xbox’s studio acquisitions, many are now​ expressing strong negative⁤ sentiments towards the company and⁢ its‌ products.

Xbox Cemetery

Interestingly,‍ the backlash against Xbox seems to be coming primarily from long-time console fans. Forums ⁢and social media‍ are filled with messages⁤ from users who are fed up with the closure of these unique studios. They feel that the company is prioritizing profit ​over the interests of gamers and the industry as a whole. The sentiment “F**k Xbox” is gaining momentum online, reminiscent of a similar campaign against Konami in‌ the past.

Enough is enough with⁣ Xbox. They can go to​ hell.

— ‍souls_ninja

I’m officially done with Xbox. I’m tired of Microsoft’s ⁤actions, especially towards Tango Gameworks. The wealth of the ‌company doesn’t justify these sudden closures and⁣ layoffs.

—​ Dusk Golem, renowned Resident Evil insider.

For the past 7 years, I’ve always valued studios⁣ and‌ people. To those affected ⁢by the recent closures,​ I apologize. This is not the Xbox I once admired. The future​ of Microsoft Gaming seems uncertain, with unclear plans and a lack ‍of​ transparency.

— klobrille.

Even prominent ​bloggers and Xbox ambassadors are speaking out. The founder of⁢ XboxEra,⁢ who previously supported​ studio acquisitions, is now urging developers to⁣ steer ⁢clear‌ of any ‌collaboration ‍with Xbox.

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