Free Alexa Guard security features now require payment on Amazon

Free Alexa Guard security features now require payment on Amazon

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What ⁢are the reasons behind ‍Amazon’s decision ‍to place free Alexa Guard security features behind a paywall

Amazon has recently announced their decision ​to place certain security features of Alexa Guard,‌ previously free of charge, behind a paywall. ⁤Alexa Guard is a useful service that ⁣enables Echo devices to act ⁤as indoor security systems, leveraging the smart speakers’ microphones to detect sounds like broken glass or alarms while you’re away.

What is Alexa ⁤Guard?

Alexa⁢ Guard is a feature that can be enabled on compatible Echo devices. It plays a crucial role in enhancing home security‌ by monitoring and alerting you to specific sounds, like the sound ‍of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, ‍or glass ⁤breaking. Previously, this feature was offered to all Echo owners free of⁣ charge, but that is now ​changing.

A shift towards a subscription model

According to ⁤Amazon, the free usage of Alexa Guard will ‍be limited to ⁤a 30-day ⁢trial period only. ⁢After this trial period, those who ⁤wish⁣ to ​continue⁢ accessing this ‍crucial security feature will have to subscribe to⁢ Amazon’s‌ “Alexa Guard Plus”⁤ service, which will cost $4.99 per ‌month or $49 per year.

With this new subscription model,‍ Amazon is providing additional benefits to subscribers. These include smarter detection ​capabilities to recognize unique sounds such as footsteps, doors opening, or baby cries, and the ability to access ‌Alexa Guard’s feature ​to call emergency helplines via supported Echo devices.

Reaction from users and critics

As expected, this move⁢ has generated mixed reactions. While some users appreciate the added ‌value provided through the subscription service, others ​feel that ⁣placing​ crucial security‌ features⁢ behind ⁤a paywall compromises ‍the earlier promise of “free” home⁢ safety offered with their Echo devices.

Critics argue that home⁤ security should not be a feature that requires ⁣extra⁣ payment, as it⁢ has always been considered ‌an essential aspect of‌ these smart speakers. Some customers voiced their disappointment on social media, questioning whether this shift might become a trend, where more features ⁣which were initially offered for free could eventually require a subscription.


Amazon’s ​decision to place⁢ certain security features of Alexa ⁤Guard behind a paywall may be seen as a strategic move to generate recurring revenue ‌from its customer base. While there is ⁢certainly a reasonable cost associated with developing and⁣ maintaining these​ advanced security technologies, it does raise concerns regarding the future of “free” features with ‌smart devices. Only time will tell how‍ consumers will adapt⁣ to this new subscription-based model.


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