First Vigil Permitted for Turkey’s ‘Saturday Mothers’ after Two Years

First Vigil Permitted for Turkey’s ‘Saturday Mothers’ after Two Years

Members of a group of⁤ relatives ‌of victims of⁤ enforced disappearances ‍in Turkey held a ‌vigil in ⁢central Istanbul without⁤ police⁤ intervention for the first time since 2018.

Known as the “Saturday Mothers” (“Cumartesi Anneleri” in Turkish), the group has met every‍ Saturday since May 1995 in the ‍heart of Istanbul, holding peaceful ⁤sit-ins to demand justice and remember relatives who went missing after a military ⁤coup in 1980 and during a state of emergency in ⁤the 1990s, especially in⁤ the predominantly Kurdish southeast.

In 2018, police violently cracked down on ⁤their⁢ demonstration following an ‌announcement⁤ by local authorities that it would ‌be banned because calls for the rally had been allegedly ⁢made on social media accounts linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), listed as a terrorist‍ group by Ankara ‍and its Western allies. Police used force ‌and tear gas to disperse participants.

Ten protesters⁣ held their‍ vigil⁢ on Saturday without any police interference, at​ Istanbul’s Galatasaray‌ Square. It ⁤was ‌their 972nd such vigil, the group said in a statement on X.

The resumption of ​the vigil comes ‍after Interior Minister Ali⁣ Yerlikaya,⁣ the former governor of Istanbul, on Wednesday​ said the government had ​“good intentions” and a ‌peaceful solution would be found over the issue, responding to questions by opposition lawmakers during a parliamentary session.

“We will not stop searching⁢ for all​ our missing people ⁣and ⁢demanding‌ that⁤ the perpetrators‌ be tried and ⁣punished,” ⁣the “Saturday⁣ Mothers” group said on X.

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