First-Ever Simulations Unveil the Inner Workings of Giant Stars through Twinkling

First-Ever Simulations Unveil the Inner Workings of Giant Stars through Twinkling

Secrets hide in the twinkling ⁤of stars. A research team led by scientists at the Flatiron Institute and‌ Northwestern University has created first-of-their-kind computer simulations⁣ showing how churning deep in a star’s depths can cause the star’s light to flicker. This effect is ‌different⁣ from the visible ⁤twinkling of stars in the night‍ sky caused by ⁢Earth’s atmosphere.

By closely observing the innate ‍twinkling of stars, astronomers⁢ could ‍one day use ‍the simulations to ‌learn more about what goes on ⁤inside stars larger than⁢ our sun,⁣ the researchers ⁤report‌ on July 27 in ‍Nature Astronomy.

The effects are too small ​for current telescopes to pick up, ⁤says study co-author​ Matteo Cantiello, ⁣a research‍ scientist at the Flatiron Institute’s​ Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA)⁤ in New York⁢ City. That ​could change ​with improved‍ telescopes. “We’ll be able to see the signature of the core,” ⁢Cantiello says, “which will ⁣be quite ​interesting because it will be a way to probe the very inner regions of stars.”

A better understanding of⁣ stellar innards will help astronomers learn how stars form and evolve, how galaxies assemble, ​and how heavy elements such as the oxygen⁢ we⁤ breathe‌ are created, says study lead author ‍Evan⁣ Anders, a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University.

A 3D simulation of​ how turbulent‍ convection in the core of a⁣ large star (center) can generate waves that ripple outward and power resonant vibrations near the star’s surface. By studying changes in the star’s brightness caused⁤ by​ the vibrations, scientists could one day better understand the processes deep in the hearts‌ of large stars. Credit: E.H. Anders ‌et ⁣al./Nature Astronomy 2023

“Motions ‍in the‌ cores of stars launch waves like those on the ocean,”‌ Anders says. “When the waves ‍arrive at ⁤the star’s surface,​ they ⁢make⁢ it ‍twinkle in a⁢ way that astronomers may ⁢be able to observe.⁤ For the ⁣first time, we have developed computer models which ‌allow us to determine how much a star should twinkle as‍ a result of these waves. This work allows future space ‍telescopes to probe the central regions‌ where ‍stars forge the⁢ elements we depend upon to live and breathe.”

2023-07-27 10:48:03
Post from rnrn

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