First-ever Real-Space Measurements Reveal Quantum Entanglement Wave, Unveiled by Research Group

First-ever Real-Space Measurements Reveal Quantum Entanglement Wave, Unveiled by Research Group

Triplons are difficult to observe experimentally and are usually studied in⁤ macroscopic materials where measurements are averaged across the sample.

However, designer quantum ⁢materials‍ offer a⁤ unique advantage,⁢ according to Academy Research Fellow Robert Drost, the ​first author of a paper ​published‍ in Physical Review ⁢Letters. These materials allow researchers to⁣ create phenomena not found in natural compounds, enabling the ⁢study of exotic‍ quantum excitations.

“These materials are ⁤complex and provide exciting physics.‍ However, the most exotic⁣ ones are challenging to find‌ and study. Therefore, we are taking a different approach by constructing an artificial material ‌using individual components,” says Professor Peter⁢ Liljeroth, head of the Atomic Scale physics research group at Aalto⁤ University.

Quantum materials are governed by electron interactions at the microscopic ⁢level. These interactions lead to​ unusual phenomena such as high-temperature⁢ superconductivity and complex magnetic states. Quantum correlations also give rise to⁢ new⁢ electronic states.

In the case of two electrons, there are singlet and triplet states that are entangled.⁢ Supplying ‌energy to the electron system can excite it from⁢ the singlet to the ‌triplet state. ​In some cases, this excitation can propagate through a material as an entanglement wave called a triplon. These excitations ⁣are not present ​in conventional magnetic materials, and⁤ measuring them ​has been a challenge in the field of‌ quantum‌ materials.

2023-08-24 00:00:04
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