FBI Confirms Containment of Cybersecurity Incident on Its Network

FBI Confirms Containment of Cybersecurity Incident on Its Network

The FBI is dealing with another attack on its digital infrastructure, although the severity isn't yet clear. The law enforcement agency tellsCNN it has "contained" a recent cybersecurity incident on its network. The bureau isn't commenting on the perpetrator, scope or damage, but says it's gathering "additional information."

Sources speaking to CNN claim the intruders targeted a system used to investigate child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The incident involved the high-profile New York Field Office, according to the insiders. Investigators are said to still be investigating the origins of the breach.

This isn't the first such incident in recent memory. In November 2021, an attacker compromised FBI email servers and sent thousands of messages falsely claiming recipients were victims of data breaches. The campaign tried to blame the imaginary attacks on dark web security firm operator Vinny Troia. The FBI never named a culprit, but did patch the flaw that allowed the intrusion.


2023-02-17 12:21:30
Original from www.engadget.com
The FBI has recently confirmed that it has successfully contained a cybersecurity incident that was discovered on its network earlier this month.

As one of the most important law enforcement entities in the world, it is not uncommon for the FBI to be targeted by cybercriminals and malicious actors. In most cases, the FBI’s security measures and protocols thwart potential hacks and other data breaches.

However, earlier this month, the FBI did acknowledge that its network had been compromised. Since then, the agency has been working diligently with its cybersecurity partners to contain the incident and prevent any further damage from occurring.

The FBI has not yet revealed the details of the attack, however, it did confirm that sensitive information was successfully secured and not put at risk.

The FBI does have the unique advantage of access to the latest technologies and resources, however, this incident does demonstrate that even the best cybersecurity practices and protocols can be vulnerable to effective attacks.

The FBI encourages all entities and organizations, both private and public, to use extreme caution when it comes to their own networks and data. The agency suggests utilizing the highest levels of encryption and authentication protocols, as well as regularly evaluating and upgrading software and hardware systems whenever possible.

This incident serves as an important reminder that cybersecurity is an ever-evolving and complicated practice. By taking the necessary steps, everyone can help better protect themselves against potential attacks.

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