Finally, America’s House of Representatives Elects a Speaker

Finally, America’s House of Representatives Elects a Speaker

America’s House of Representatives finally has a speaker

As ‍America’s House of Representatives began its fourth‌ week without a speaker, it seemed like nothing would ever get Republicans to unite behind a new leader. But it turns out something could bring the fractious party together: sheer ⁢exhaustion, mixed with the possibility of having to⁣ govern⁣ with Democrats.

On October 25th Republicans unanimously voted for Mike Johnson, a 51-year-old ⁢congressman from Louisiana, to lead the lower chamber.⁢ Three previous nominees​ had dropped out after failing‌ to get the support needed for the job.‌ Mr Johnson, ⁢a lawyer and self-described “full-spectrum conservative”, has quietly risen through the ranks on Capitol Hill‌ since arriving in 2017. He held relatively ‌low-key positions in Republican leadership ⁢and for two years led the Republican Study Committee, an ideological caucus that counts a ‌large ‍majority of ‍House Republicans as members.​ Yet Mr Johnson‌ has never even served ⁤as a committee chairman.

Democrats who worked‌ with hard-right Republicans to dispose of Kevin McCarthy may have hoped for a more moderate replacement. They are likely to be⁤ disappointed ⁣with⁣ the outcome. Mr Johnson’s congressional website describes him as “a‍ leading‌ defender of the right to life, religious liberty, free speech, the Second Amendment and ⁣free-market​ principles”, and the father of four stands out as a social conservative even within the Republican Party. Compared with⁣ Jim Jordan, a mentor whose own speakership bid failed, Mr Johnson has had a little ⁣more success sponsoring bills that actually became law.

2023-10-25 19:14:33
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