Exploring the Possibility of Breaking Up Google: The US Department of Justice’s Contemplation

Exploring the Possibility of Breaking Up Google: The US Department of Justice’s Contemplation

A ⁣recent court ruling has ​declared Google a monopolist in⁢ the ⁣mobile search space, ⁣potentially leading to significant⁢ consequences. ⁤Reports from Bloomberg⁢ suggest that ⁣the US Department of Justice is ​contemplating the drastic measure ​of breaking up the tech giant.

If this⁤ proposal⁣ comes to fruition, it⁢ could mark the most significant corporate breakup in‍ the US since the⁢ AT&T split‍ in the 1980s.

Sources⁣ indicate⁢ that the likely scenario ‍involves separating the ⁤Android operating system and Chrome⁤ browser from Google’s core operations. Furthermore, there is talk ‍of compelling Google to divest its⁤ ad platform,‌ AdWords.

However,⁣ fragmentation is not the only concern for the tech behemoth. The ⁤DOJ is also expected to challenge ‌Google’s ​exclusive⁢ agreements, particularly the ‍lucrative contracts with smartphone manufacturers ‍that maintain Google search as the‌ default ⁤option on most devices.

Both Google and the DOJ have remained tight-lipped, refraining ⁣from commenting on the unfolding⁤ situation. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the tech landscape could be on the ‌brink of a significant ⁤transformation in the coming days.

Link‌ from www.playground.ru

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