Exploring the Origins of Heavy Elements through In-Depth Analysis of Violent Neutron Star Collisions

Exploring the Origins of Heavy Elements through In-Depth Analysis of Violent Neutron Star Collisions

The ‌gold that ​makes up ⁣your most⁢ precious jewelry‍ may have ⁤been forged in a violent ⁢cosmic⁢ collision⁤ millions or billions⁤ of light years ​away between‍ two‍ neutron ‌stars. New research seeks to better understand ‌this process.

There is ​only a single confirmed site‍ in⁤ the universe capable⁤ of generating conditions⁣ extreme ⁣enough ​to initiate the⁣ production ⁢process for ⁣many of the heaviest elements ⁤in the universe, including gold,‌ platinum,⁢ uranium—neutron ⁢star ‌mergers. These mergers are the only event⁤ observed ⁤to-date ‍that can‌ produce‍ the‌ incredible densities and temperatures needed to power the rapid‌ neutron ⁤capture⁣ process.

In ​a‌ new paper in‌ The European ⁤Physical⁣ Journal ‍D, ‌Andrey Bondarev, a postdoc researcher at Helmholtz⁢ Institute Jena,​ James​ Gillanders ​a postdoc researcher in​ Rome, and their colleagues examine ⁤the spectra ⁣from the kilonova AT2017gfo ‍to⁣ investigate the presence of ‍forged ​tin, by looking for spectral ⁤features ‍caused ‍by its forbidden transitions.

“We have demonstrated​ that⁣ accurate⁢ atomic data,​ especially ​for forbidden magnetic​ dipole ⁤and ⁢electric quadrupole‍ transitions, which​ are ⁣unknown⁤ for ‌many elements, are important⁤ for​ kilonova‍ analysis,” Bondarev⁣ says. “By ‍calculating a large number⁢ of energy levels and rates of‍ multipole transitions between them⁢ in ⁢singly ionized tin,‍ using the method that combines linearized coupled-cluster and‍ configuration​ interaction⁢ approaches, we generated ‍an atomic data ​set that can be used for future ⁣astrophysical‌ analysis.”

The team’s research shows⁣ that a⁢ magnetic ​dipole⁤ transition⁣ between ⁤the levels of ⁣the ground-state doublet of singly ionized⁢ tin⁤ leads to‍ a​ prominent⁤ and‌ observable⁢ feature⁤ in kilonova emission spectra.

2023-07-21 20:48:03
Link ‍from⁤ phys.org

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