Explore the World of “Smuta” in a Captivating New Video Featuring Stunning Locations and Engaging Residents

Explore the World of “Smuta” in a Captivating New Video Featuring Stunning Locations and Engaging Residents

The creators of “Smuta” ⁢have ‍unveiled a new video showcasing ‌the game’s settings and inhabitants.

Today, ⁢Cyberia Nova studio unveiled an exciting new‍ video‍ of their upcoming game “Smuta” on social‍ media, all created using​ the game⁤ engine. The video⁢ showcases the process ⁣of bringing the game’s locations to life, from empty spaces to⁤ bustling medieval scenes filled with ‌characters engaging ‍in ⁤various activities.

While viewers expressed satisfaction with the video, some skepticism⁤ about ‍the project ‌still⁤ lingers.​ The game is set to ‌be released⁣ on ⁤April ⁤4 on PC ⁢through the VK⁢ Play service.

Original from⁢ www.playground.ru

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