Experience the Thrilling Gravity Forge: A Dynamic Action Game with Unique Gravity Mechanics and Team-based Challenges!

Experience the Thrilling Gravity Forge: A Dynamic Action Game with Unique Gravity Mechanics and Team-based Challenges!

Introducing Gravity⁢ Forge, a thrilling third-person shooter brought to you by Studio Relay. This‍ game stands out for its‌ unique gravity-related abilities⁢ that add an exciting⁤ twist to the gameplay.

Set in the dystopian Gashton City,⁤ Gravity Forge blends ‌diesel ⁤and biopunk elements with modernity and​ art deco aesthetics. Players take on the roles ​of‍ Elsa ⁤and‌ fellow treasure hunters⁣ as they navigate through the aftermath of ⁤a botched heist ‍involving dangerous ​technology⁣ known⁢ as the “Living Magnet.”

Elsa’s extraordinary ⁢skills include walking on walls, ⁣creating gravitational wells, and ‍manipulating object mass​ – all crucial in‍ battles against biomechs. Alongside a compelling single-player mode, ⁣players ‍can ‍look forward to ⁤engaging ‌in network⁣ co-op with ⁢friendly fire enabled.

Gravity Forge is powered by Unreal Engine 5. Despite previous performance issues with this engine, Relay assures that their game will run smoothly ⁢even ‍on ‍mid-range​ PCs.


Note:‌ The release date for Gravity ​Forge on Steam is yet to ⁢be announced. Russian ⁢localization ‍(only text) has been confirmed. p >

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