Experience the thrill of XDefiant: Try out the shooter game this week!

Exciting news for fans of ⁤the online⁣ shooter XDefiant! The developers have just announced⁣ an open stress test for the game servers. Starting from April 19 to 21, players can finally experience this highly anticipated project from Ubisoft.

The stress test will be ⁢available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series. The preload build is already up for grabs, simply search‌ for the client named “XDefiant – Server Test‌ Session.” Keep in mind that progress made during⁤ the test ⁣won’t carry over to ⁤the main game.

As a bonus for participating in the test, players can earn two exclusive weapon skins and experience boosters. To claim these rewards, all you have to do is join a ⁤match,⁣ play ⁣in a group, and reach ⁤level 18. Your rewards will be waiting for you in your account on the day of XDefiant‘s full release.

With the launch of the free⁤ shooter being delayed multiple times, ‍this upcoming test will serve as a crucial indicator of the team’s progress towards the⁢ final release.

Original source: stopgame.ru

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