Exciting news for “Naruto” fans! New episodes of the beloved anime were initially set to mark its 20th anniversary last year. Unfortunately, the release was delayed indefinitely by TV Tokyo, leaving fans eagerly awaiting updates on the project’s status.
However, recent statements from TV Tokyo’s representative, Ichiro Ishikawa, have reignited hope for the return of “Naruto.” During a financial results briefing, Ishikawa hinted at upcoming episodes within the next few months.
The highly anticipated adventures of Naruto and Team 7 are expected to grace screens in the near future, celebrating the iconic series’ milestone anniversary. While an exact release date remains unknown, the assurance that the project is still in the works is a relief for fans.
The new episodes are rumored to revisit the early days of Naruto and his friends, offering a nostalgic journey for viewers. With Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi back in action, fans can look forward to reliving the magic of the original series.
Article from www.playground.ru