Exciting Enhancements Coming Soon to Manor Lords: Get Ready for Improved AI and Fixes in the Upcoming Update!

Embark on a city-building ⁢adventure with Manor Lords, the highly‍ anticipated​ strategy game created by a talented solo developer. Despite its early access status and limited content, the game has captured the hearts of players and achieved remarkable sales ⁢figures. The ‍developer expresses gratitude to the supportive gaming community and is gearing up for the first major update.

Greg Stixen, the mastermind behind Manor Lords, promises more than just bug fixes ‌in the upcoming patch. He is dedicated to enhancing the game’s AI and overall gameplay experience based on player feedback.

The forthcoming ​update will address ⁤issues raised by players, with a focus on improving the behavior⁢ of townspeople and enhancing⁢ opponent AI realism. The trading system will undergo a​ complete rebalance to ‌reflect regional specialization accurately. Furthermore, the sawmill operation will see upgrades in storage capacity and efficiency adjustments.

While the exact release date of the update remains a mystery, players can expect it to drop once the developer ensures that all improvements are ⁣finely tuned and ready for deployment.

Link from www.playground.ru

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