EU Identifies ‘Gatekeepers’ for Regulation, Launches Investigations into iMessage and Bing

EU Identifies ‘Gatekeepers’ for Regulation, Launches Investigations into iMessage and Bing

The European Commission has published a list of so-called gatekeeper ⁤companies that will be regulated by its Digital Markets Act (DMA), simultaneously⁢ announcing ⁢it will open investigations into the arguments put forward by Microsoft and Apple ‌that claim iMessage and Bing don’t meet the threshold for regulation.

The Commission said‍ it had notified Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, Microsoft and Samsung⁤ of their gatekeeper status — companies with a market capitalization of at least €75 billion ($81 billion) or sales in Europe of over €7.5⁢ billion, at least ⁤45 million monthly⁢ users in the EU. ⁤Twenty-two core platforms operated by these companies ‍also fall under the scope of the DMA.

These include:

Four social networks:⁣ TikTok, Facebook, Instagram,‌ LinkedIn
Six “intermediation” services: Google​ Maps, Google Play, Google Shopping, Amazon Marketplace, iOS App Store, Meta⁣ Marketplace
Three ads delivery systems (ADS): Google, Amazon and Meta
Two browsers Chrome, Safari
Three operating⁢ systems: Google Android, iOS, Windows PC OS
Two Number Independent Interpersonal Communications Services (N-IICS) or messaging services: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger
One search engine: Google
One video sharing⁢ platform: YouTube

Yesterday it was reported that Apple and Microsoft were arguing⁣ that neither iMessage⁢ nor Bing should be subject to regulatory requirements‍ of the ​DMA as the⁤ platforms did not meet the threshold⁣ set out by the legislation. Both were left off the list published today.

“The Commission has⁣ opened four market investigations to further assess Microsoft’s and‍ Apple’s submissions arguing that, despite meeting the thresholds, some of their⁤ core platform services do not ‍qualify as gateways,” the Commission said in a statement,‍ adding that the ⁢investigation should be completed within a maximum of five months.

An additional market investigation has been opened to further assess whether Apple’s iPadOS should be designated⁣ as gatekeeper,​ even though is does⁤ not meet the thresholds.

The Commission said it had also concluded⁤ that despite Gmail, and Samsung ​Internet Browser meeting the​ thresholds under the DMA to ‌qualify as gatekeeper services,‍ “Alphabet, Microsoft and Samsung provided sufficiently justified​ arguments showing that these services do not qualify as gateways for‌ the respective core platform services.”

What’s next for ⁢the gatekeepers?

Gatekeepers now have six months to comply with the full terms of​ the ⁢DMA, during which time the companies must submit a​ detailed compliance report in which they outline how they will fulfill each of ⁣the obligations laid out by the DMA.

If a gatekeeper does⁣ not​ comply with the DMA’s obligations, the Commission ⁣can​ impose fines of up to 10% of the company’s total worldwide turnover, which can ​increase to 20% ⁣in case of repeated infringement.

Where the Commission deems systematic ⁢infringements have occurred, it has ⁤the power to adopt additional…

2023-09-07 ‍20:48:02
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