EU devises strategy for $22 billion Ukraine arms fund

EU devises strategy for  billion Ukraine arms fund

The ​European Union is drawing⁢ up ​plans for a 20-billion-euro ‌($22bn)‌ fund to ​provide ⁤Ukraine ⁢with ‍weapons,‌ ammunition and ⁤military ⁣aid as it⁣ fights Russia’s invasion, officials ‍have said.

Josep Borrell, the ​bloc’s foreign‍ policy‍ chief,‌ outlined the ‍four-year⁢ proposal⁤ to⁢ EU foreign ministers ⁣meeting in Brussels on Thursday.

Following ‌the ⁤meeting, Borrell‍ said ⁤the ⁢EU would ‍“transform⁢ existing ⁣support⁣ into⁣ a ⁢long-term ⁣commitment” to ​Ukraine’s ⁣security ​and ⁣resilience.

“We propose the creation of ⁢a dedicated ‍section on the ​European⁣ peace ⁤facility to provide⁣ up to five ‌billion ⁣euros a year ⁤for the next ⁤four years⁤ for ⁣the ‌defence⁣ needs of Ukraine,”‍ he⁢ said.

“This⁤ is the evaluation of the needs and ⁤the​ costs‌ of⁣ our ​long-term⁢ security⁢ commitments to Ukraine,”⁢ Borrell told reporters.

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