When players arrive at school in Hogwarts Legacy, they face a crucial decision – to tell the truth or lie to Professor Weasley. This choice may be challenging as they navigate the complexities of trust and secrecy. Professor Weasley, closely associated with the iconic red-headed Weasley family, evokes a sense of familiarity for Harry Potter fans. However, the consequences of honesty or deceit in the game may not be as significant as they initially appear.
Regardless of the player’s decision, the reactions from Professor Weasley and Professor Fig may vary, but the overall impact on the story remains minimal. Even when Professor Weasley explicitly asks for the truth on multiple occasions, the player’s choice does not significantly alter future dialogue or character relationships. It’s a curious aspect of the game, especially considering that Professor Weasley ultimately reveals that she was aware of the protagonist’s secrets all along, regardless of their honesty.
Ultimately, the decision to lie or tell the truth to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy may not carry as much weight as players initially believe, adding an intriguing layer to the game’s narrative.
2024-01-21 23:41:04
Source from screenrant.com