Enhancing All Android Devices: The Potential Impact of Google Pixel Fold

Enhancing All Android Devices: The Potential Impact of Google Pixel Fold

When you talk about Google’s Pixel ⁣Fold, it’s tough not⁣ to focus mostly on the phone’s form.

I ‌mean, this is a device⁢ whose⁣ screen folds ⁢in half, for cryin’ out loud! It may not be the first Android phone‍ to⁢ feature that feat, but ⁢still:⁣ It’s without a doubt the device’s defining characteristic. And it’s quite a‌ sight to see, even in⁣ passing, and even⁣ more so to⁢ experience in your‍ own ‍pockets and person-paws.

While it’s easy to obsess over ‌the Fold’s fold, though,⁣ we’ve been there and done that at this point.​ And now ⁢that ⁤I’ve personally ⁣been totin’⁤ the Pixel Fold around in my pantaloons for⁣ a solid month (somehow!), I want to⁤ move beyond the surface​ and ⁤focus⁣ a little more closely on what might actually be the Fold’s most significant innovation from an Android-wide, platform perspective.

Here’s the thing:‍ The folding screen sure ⁤is something — to say the very least! ⁣— but it isn’t exactly gonna be a standard productivity tool⁤ anytime soon. It’ll be a good long while before⁢ most average Homo sapiens have folding phones, if such a time ever arrives, and so the immediate impact of⁣ the form is pretty darn limited.

But the true brilliance of ⁣Google’s ​Pixel Fold philosophy is something that’s actually unrelated to the form itself. And it’s something that could — and​ arguably should⁤ — affect‌ anyone using any Android device, regardless of its ⁢form or foldability.

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Let me⁤ explain.

The Google Pixel Fold ⁢philosophy

Once ​you get past the oohing and ahhing around the Pixel ⁤Fold’s spacious ⁤inner screen, what really sticks out in‍ using the device is the series of software⁣ enhancements Google ​made to make the most⁣ of that ​expanded environment.

Specifically, Google dramatically rethought its approach‌ to multitasking on Android. And as part of⁤ that, it both introduced new⁤ interface elements and ⁣dug up long-existing software features to make ’em more prominent and important parts ⁤of⁤ the phone-using experience.

Three pieces of the puzzle in particular stand out —⁢ and, interestingly enough, they’re all present on the Pixel⁤ Tablet, too. More than anything, as I’ve ⁣spent⁤ time with both⁢ of those devices, ⁢I’ve found⁤ myself (a) noticing ⁢how ⁤aligned the two products ⁤are in‌ their interfaces and‌ the experiences around ’em and⁢ (b) wondering why⁤ those experiences ⁤aren’t ⁣yet standard on all Android devices.

First things first, both⁤ the Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet introduce a new on-demand dock⁤ that completely changes ​the way you think‍ about getting around Android. It’s like a smarter⁤ version ‌of Android’s long-standing ‌recent apps‌ interface: You simply swipe up slowly from the bottom of the screen, no‍ matter ‌what you’re doing, to reveal a snazzy new bar that shows the‍ same docked favorites from your home screen along with an extra spot for ⁤a dynamically changing ‌suggestion…

2023-07-26 23:24:02
Post from www.computerworld.com

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