Apple’s Vision Pro VR headset has a unique feature called Personas that allows users to see a digital version of themselves during calls and meetings. Initially, these digital avatars were a bit unsettling, but Apple has significantly improved them in the latest release. According to reports, the updated Personas now appear more realistic, making users look less like abstract paintings and more like actual people.
After installing the visionOS 1.1 update, users will be prompted to update their Persona to get the latest appearance enhancements. This process involves capturing the digital avatar with the headset off and pointing at the user’s face. The general consensus is that the updated Personas look better, with improved visual clarity and more realistic proportions.
The visionOS 1.1 beta significantly enhances the Persona feature.
While it may still be a bit eerie, the improvement is noticeable.
— Snazzy Labs…
2024-02-08 05:05:58
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