Empowering AI Innovation: Introducing the National Pilot Program for Accessible Generative AI Research

Empowering AI Innovation: Introducing the National Pilot Program for Accessible Generative AI Research

The National Science Foundation ⁢(NSF) has revealed​ details ‌about the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource pilot‍ program. This ⁣program will partner with other federal​ agencies and the private sector⁤ to provide ⁤access to datasets, AI models, and‌ training for researchers. The goal‍ is to democratize access to generative AI ⁣for organizations without the ⁤resources of ‌major tech companies or government departments. The program ‌aims to support research into fundamental genAI issues and AI’s application to domain ‌sciences and ‍operations. It will ‌provide access to advanced computing, AI datasets and⁢ models, as‌ well as expertise in the form of training⁢ and support for educators and researchers in the US. The pilot program is expected ‍to run for two years and will be ‍organized into four key areas. An online portal will be available for researchers looking to access NAIRR’s resources, and a broader call for proposals will be offered in spring 2024. For more information, visit www.computerworld.com

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