Witness the visionary Arcanum mission, a groundbreaking endeavor set to explore Neptune and Triton in unprecedented detail. Delve into the mysteries of these distant celestial bodies with cutting-edge technology at your fingertips.
Voyage into the outer solar system with a mission that aims to unravel the
Embark on a journey propelled by advanced technologies, paving the way for new discoveries waiting to be unveiled by an upcoming expedition led by ConEx
Explore three distinct components of this ambitious project—an orbiter named Somerville, an “orbital maneuverer,” and a lander—each playing a crucial role in unlocking the secrets of these distant worlds.
Join Somerville as it orbits Neptune, equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instruments including cameras, spectrometers, magnetometers, and telescopes ready
2024-09-17 13:15:02
Source from phys.org