Embark on a Galactic Adventure with Three-Player Couch Co-op in Sea of Stars – Release Date TBD

Embark on a Galactic Adventure with Three-Player Couch Co-op in Sea of Stars – Release Date TBD

Exciting news for fans of Chrono Trigger-style RPGs! Sea of ​Stars, the beloved game, is ​adding ⁢a three-player couch co-op mode. ‍Sabotage Studios, the‍ publisher, has​ released a trailer for this new​ feature, known as Single Player+.

The trailer showcases the ability ‍for each party ​member to independently explore the game world, ‍as long as they remain in the same general area. It appears that players won’t be able to venture off to collect power-ups from different maps. ⁢While the⁢ trailer doesn’t‍ reveal combat,‌ the ⁢publisher ⁤has promised‌ that ⁢each player will have control over their character during battles, and⁤ has hinted at something‍ called “co-op timed hits.” This is likely a⁢ multiplayer version of the existing timed ⁤hits system, inspired by games like Super ​Mario RPG ⁣and‌ Paper Mario.

This new mode is currently​ in development, and the publisher‍ has not ​yet‌ announced when ⁣it will be available, ‌or whether it will be a free update or⁢ paid ⁤DLC. However, it’s ‍safe to assume that the couch co-op feature will be included in…

2024-03-13 11:43:50
Original from ⁢ www.engadget.com

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