Elon Musk Stands by Ketamine Use, Disregards Concerns from Investors

Elon Musk Stands by Ketamine Use, Disregards Concerns from Investors

Elon Musk,⁢ the CEO of Tesla, was seen visiting the company’s electric car plant in Gruenheide near Berlin ​on March 13, 2024. In a recent‌ interview, Musk defended his use of ketamine, stating that ⁤it benefits Tesla‌ investors. He revealed that ⁣he takes prescribed ketamine to ⁤treat his “negative ‍frame ‍of mind.” ​Musk confirmed that he uses⁢ the anesthetic, which is typically used for pain management and depression treatment, but denied abusing ⁤it. He emphasized that it helps him​ get out ‌of a negative state and‍ does not believe he has ⁤”extended depression.”

During the interview, Musk also discussed‌ his meeting with Republican presidential candidate⁢ Donald Trump in‌ March⁣ and hinted at his political leanings. He mentioned that ​he was “leaning ‍away” from ⁤Democratic President Joe Biden but did not indicate his support for Trump, stating that “a lot can ⁢happen between now‍ and the election.” Musk’s recent social media post calling for the election of Republicans in November with a “red wave” has sparked further discussion about his political stance.

For more details, you can⁢ read the full article here.

2024-03-22 03:00:03
Post from www.ibtimes.com

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