Ecuador Presidential Election Won by Daniel Noboa

Ecuador Presidential Election Won by Daniel Noboa

Daniel Noboa, the heir to a banana fortune who pledges​ a hard line on rocketing violent crime, employment ‌for the young and foreign⁣ investment, will become Ecuador’s youngest ever president at 35 after⁤ winning by a‍ margin of around five⁢ points over his rival, the leftist lawyer Luisa González.

With 90% of votes counted⁣ on Sunday night in Ecuador, Noboa had 52.29% of the vote against 47.71% for González, according to Ecuador’s electoral council.

Luisa ⁢González, the hand-picked candidate⁣ of the former president⁤ Rafael Correa, accepted⁣ her defeat at the polls on Sunday ⁢night and pledged‍ her support for the new president.

“Today we have made history,” Noboa said in a message on X, formerly known ‍as Twitter.​ “Ecuadorian ‍families chose the new Ecuador, they chose a​ country ​with security and employment.”

He added that electoral ‌promises would not ⁣just remain in the campaign ‌and corruption would be punished.

‘People are dying in the street’: Ecuador election overshadowed by‍ violent​ crimeRead more

This election was held against a backdrop of a spike in​ violent crime fuelled by⁣ drug trafficking, which⁣ has turned the country into one ​of the most violent in the region, with the fourth-highest homicide‌ rate – higher even‍ than Mexico.

Noboa, the ‍millennial son of Ecuador’s richest man and five-time‌ presidential​ candidate ​Álvaro Noboa, was the ​surprise entry into the second⁤ round in August. His calm and unconfrontational style made‍ him popular, particularly⁣ with voters aged between‌ 18 and 29 who make up a third of⁣ the electorate.

The Harvard Kennedy School graduate focused his campaign on creating jobs and the economy, recommending tax exemptions and incentives for new businesses as well as pledging to⁢ attract​ more foreign investment.

‘We should treat⁣ it as a war’: Ecuador’s ⁢descent into drug gang⁢ violenceRead more

On crime, Noboa proposed putting the most violent criminals on ships off Ecuador’s Pacific coast. He also suggested boosting⁢ the military presence on the borders and coast, both of which are trafficking points⁢ for cocaine.

Arianna Tanca, an Ecuadorian political analyst, said ⁢the stakes were ⁢high and urged the former congressman to think about the “future of the country and ⁤not preserving his square​ metre of power”.

Noboa is due to be sworn in on 25 November but will ‍only govern ⁢for 17‌ months until 2025 ⁢– completing⁢ the term of outgoing president, Guillermo Lasso, who dissolved congress in May ⁣during an impeachment trial and called⁢ snap presidential and legislative elections.

“It’s a short time but it is time that is ⁢precious and can be used for good so let’s see if the‍ politicians⁤ are up to the bar,” Tanca said.

“Ecuadoreans⁢ need‍ peace, we ⁢can’t stand the​ violence any more, this war,” said Carla Espinoza, voting in Quito ⁤on ⁢Sunday.

The‌ presidential campaign has been marked ⁢by unprecedented violence, including the assassination in⁤ broad daylight​ of anti-corruption candidate Fernando Villavicencio as he left a…

2023-10-15 21:15:02
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