Distinguishing a Dense Quark Liquid from a Dense Nucleon Liquid

Distinguishing a Dense Quark Liquid from a Dense Nucleon Liquid

Atomic nuclei are composed of nucleons (such as protons ⁢and neutrons), which ⁢themselves consist of quarks. When subjected to‍ high densities,⁤ nuclei break‌ down⁤ into a liquid form of nucleons, and at ⁣even higher densities, ⁣the nucleons⁤ themselves dissolve into a quark liquid.

Theoretical calculations indicate that these liquids exhibit‌ distinct characteristics.⁢ Both types of liquids generate vortices when they rotate, but in quark liquids,⁢ the vortices carry a “color-magnetic field” similar to an ordinary magnetic field. This effect is absent ⁣in nucleon liquids. Consequently, these vortices serve as a clear distinguishing factor between quark liquids and nuclear liquids.

Quarks and nucleons within nuclei interact with each other through the ‍strong‍ nuclear force. This force possesses an‍ intriguing property ​known as ⁢confinement. This implies that scientists can only observe ⁢groups of bound quarks, but‍ never an individual quark in isolation. In other words, quarks are “confined.” ⁢Describing confinement or providing a precise definition using theoretical tools is also ​challenging.

This research, which utilizes vortex​ properties⁤ to differentiate between quark‌ liquids and nucleon liquids, addresses this‌ long-standing issue. It suggests that there is a specific⁤ sense in which dense quark ⁤liquids are non-confining, while nuclear liquids are confining.

Whether nuclear matter is​ distinct from quark matter, separated by a phase transition, has long​ been a question in the study of strong interactions, particularly in the theory of quantum⁤ chromodynamics (QCD). Similarly, scientists have sought to determine‌ if it is possible to establish a precise definition of confinement.

2023-12-29 11:00:04
Original‌ from phys.org rnrn

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