Advancements in Vector Meson Spin Physics Achieved by Researchers

Advancements in Vector Meson Spin Physics Achieved by Researchers

A research team led by Prof. Wang⁢ Qun from the University ⁢of⁤ Science and Technology of China ⁢(USTC) of the Chinese Academy of⁣ Sciences (CAS) has made significant progress in the theoretical study of‍ vector meson spin ​physics, specifically regarding the intriguing behavior of ϕ mesons generated during‌ collisions between gold nuclei.

Their results, published in Physical Review ​Letters, titled ⁣”Spin Alignment of ⁤Vector Mesons in Heavy-Ion‌ Collisions,” represent a significant milestone that‌ challenges conventional theoretical models.

Vector fields are an effective representation of strong interactions between exotic​ quarks. In the hadronization phase of relativistic‌ heavy-ion collisions, where chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken, the‌ strongly interacting matter can be​ described by quarks and by the SU(3) pseudo-Goldstone boson field surrounding‍ the quarks.

The vector‍ field is determined by the gradient degree of the Goldstone boson field,⁤ where the vector field coupled to strange‍ quarks and antistrange quarks is called the ϕ-vector field.

In 2019, the research group ⁣led by Wang suggested that the influence of the ambient vector​ field felt by the strange quarks and‌ anti-strange quarks and ⁢leads to a significant deviation of the spin alignment of the ϕ meson by 1/3.

2023-09-22 10:48:02
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