Additional proof of quark-matter cores within colossal neutron stars

Additional proof of quark-matter cores within colossal neutron stars

Neutron-star⁤ cores contain matter at the highest densities reached in our⁤ present-day universe, with as much as two solar masses of matter compressed inside a ⁢sphere of 25 km in diameter. These astrophysical objects can indeed be thought of as giant atomic nuclei, with gravity compressing their ⁣cores to densities exceeding those of individual protons​ and neutrons many-fold.

“Their constituent quarks⁢ and⁤ gluons are instead liberated from their typical color confinement and are allowed to move⁣ almost freely,” explains Aleksi Vuorinen, professor of theoretical particle physics at the University of Helsinki.

In a new article published⁢ in Nature Communications,⁣ a team​ centered at the University of Helsinki provided a first-ever quantitative estimate for the likelihood of quark-matter‌ cores inside massive neutron stars.⁢ They showed that, based on current astrophysical observations, quark​ matter⁣ is almost inevitable in the most massive neutron stars: a ‌quantitative ⁣estimate that the team extracted placed the likelihood ‍in the range of 80–90%.

The ⁢remaining small​ likelihood for​ all neutron stars⁣ to be composed‌ of only ⁢nuclear matter requires the change from nuclear to quark matter to be a‌ strong⁣ first-order phase transition, somewhat​ resembling that of liquid water turning to​ ice. This kind of rapid change in the properties of neutron-star matter has the potential to destabilize ‌the star in such a way that ​the formation of even ⁢a‍ minuscule quark-matter core would result in the star collapsing into a black ‌hole.

The‍ international collaboration between scientists from Finland, Norway,⁤ Germany, and the US was able to further show how the⁢ existence of quark-matter cores⁣ may one day ​be‍ either⁢ fully ​confirmed​ or ruled out. The key is being able to constrain the strength of the phase transition between nuclear⁤ and quark‌ matter,⁣ expected to be possible‌ once a gravitational-wave signal from ​the last part of ⁢a binary ⁣neutron-star merger is one day recorded.

2023-12-28 ‌14:00:04
Post from‌ ‍ rnrn

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