Despite the comparisons to Pokémon, Palworld focuses more on building bases than battling creatures. However, moving bases or building multiple bases can be time-consuming. The game has features to mitigate the need for multiple bases and rebuilding structures, making it easier to move an already-built base. While some accuse Palworld of being a Pokémon rip-off, its core mechanics resemble open-world survival games like ARK, with an emphasis on exploration, resource gathering, and base management. Moving bases can be made faster and more convenient by disassembling the Palbox and placing it in a new location. Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to avoid having to rebuild structures, but players who can build multiple Palboxes will find it easier to manage moving bases. This ability is gained at base level 10, making it more convenient for patient players to wait until they can make a second base to start relocating their first base.
Date: 2024-01-24 19:41:03