Discover the Compelling Reason Why Judas Resembles Another BioShock Game

Discover the Compelling Reason Why Judas Resembles Another BioShock Game

As Judas nears completion, ⁢it’s becoming clear that ⁣it’s shaping up ⁣to be a spiritual successor to the BioShock games. Although ⁣little gameplay‌ has been​ shown, what has been revealed bears a striking resemblance to BioShock’s first-person shooter style and ⁣superhuman ⁢powers. The dystopian world⁢ of Judas is hard to ignore, and with BioShock creator Ken Levine leading ⁣the development, the similarities are not surprising.

However, this does not mean ⁢that BioShock has been ‍abandoned. A fourth BioShock‍ game has been in development for years, and Judas seems⁣ to have faced its own challenges. With Levine not opposed​ to more BioShock games, the‍ similarities between Judas and BioShock are a welcome conclusion.

Levine’s health was drastically affected by creating ‍BioShock Infinite,⁤ leading him to want to do ⁤a ⁢smaller project. After Irrational ⁢Games was dissolved, a ‌new studio named Ghost Story Games was formed, which ⁤is now creating Judas. According‍ to their website, the company has ⁢a team of only 37 ‌employees. Levine was looking to innovate and expand on ⁤a ​concept he referred to as‍ “narrative LEGOs” during 2014’s Game Developers…

2024-02-03 02:41:03
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