Discord adopts expiring links for files shared outside the platform

Discord adopts expiring links for files shared outside the platform

Discord is implementing a new approach to file hosting in order to combat malware. According to‌ BleepingComputer, the platform will⁢ start using⁤ temporary file links that will automatically expire after⁤ 24 hours for user ‍content​ shared outside ⁢of Discord. This change‍ is expected ‍to be implemented by the end‌ of the year.

The primary goal ‍of this change ⁣is to crack down on malware, but it‍ will also limit the use of⁣ Discord as an unofficial ​file hosting‌ service. Currently, users can ​upload images ‌and other content to their own servers and share those links elsewhere. ⁣However, once the switch to temporary file ⁢links is made, these links will⁤ become inactive ‌after‍ 24 hours. It’s⁢ important to note that this change will⁣ not ⁣affect content posted and shared within Discord itself.

The adoption of temporary file links will assist the safety team in restricting access to flagged content and⁣ reducing the distribution of malware through ‍Discord’s content delivery‍ network (CDN)…

2023-11-05 15:25:33
Original from www.engadget.com rnrn

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