Detection of a Vast and Multifaceted Gas Outflow in the Galaxy COSMOS-11142

Detection of a Vast and Multifaceted Gas Outflow in the Galaxy COSMOS-11142

Using the​ James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team of astronomers⁤ has performed deep‍ spectroscopic observations of a galaxy known⁤ as COSMOS-1142. As a⁢ result, they detected massive and multiphase outflow of neutral and ionized gas in⁢ this galaxy. The finding was reported in a paper published August‍ 10 on the pre-print server arXiv.

At ‌a‍ redshift of 2.445, ⁢COSMOS-11142 is a massive galaxy with a half-light radius of about 2,000⁣ light years. Previous observations ‌of ⁣COSMOS-11142 have found that it is in the‍ “post-starburst” phase immediately following the rapid quenching of a ​star formation episode. The current star-formation rate ⁤of ⁤this galaxy is ⁣estimated to be⁢ between one and 10 solar masses per year.

A group of astronomers led by Sirio Belli of the University of Bologna in Italy, has recently observed COSMOS-11142 with JWST’s ​Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec).‌ The observations, aimed at investigating the⁤ properties​ of this galaxy, were conducted in December 2022 as part of​ the Blue Jay ⁣survey.

“We observed the galaxy COSMOS-11142 as part of the Blue Jay survey, a Cycle-1 JWST program⁤ that targeted about 150 galaxies uniformly distributed in redshift z (1.7 < z⁣ < 3.5) and stellar mass M∗ (log M∗/M⊙ > 9),” the researchers wrote in the paper.

The ⁣observations found that COSMOS-11142 ⁢is compact, elongated and relatively dusty. The galaxy has a dynamical mass of about 70 billion solar masses and its ⁤metallicity is estimated to be at a level of approximately 0.16.

2023-08-25 02:48:02
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