Possible Tidal Waves Could Be Generated by This Extraordinary Star

Possible Tidal Waves Could Be Generated by This Extraordinary Star

Enormous waves of ⁤plasma may crash onto the surface of one massive star, resembling ocean surf hitting a sandy beach. Astrophysicist Morgan MacLeod from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics​ in Cambridge, Mass, describes ‌these moments as rare and dramatic. The‌ star system, known as MACHO⁣ 80.7443.1718,⁤ is located 160,000 light-years away from Earth‌ in the Large Magellanic Cloud.⁢ It ​consists of one visible star, 35 times the mass of the sun, and another unseen star with⁢ a minimum mass of 10 solar masses. Scientists‍ suspect that as these stars⁢ orbit each other, gravitational forces raise tides on ‍their surfaces, similar‌ to how the moon ⁤affects Earth’s oceans. ​However, the tidal forces on the stars are‍ much more extreme. Astrophysicist Jim ⁢Fuller from Caltech, who was not​ involved in the study, explains that‌ the tide on the visible star can be as ‍high ⁣as 10 percent of its diameter, which corresponds to a ‍tidal wave approximately⁤ 3.3 million kilometers tall ⁤on a ⁤star that is about 24 times wider than the sun.

2023-08-21 08:00:00
Link from⁣ www.sciencenews.org

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