Details of food and fuel shortages in Cuba unveiled by ministers amidst economic crisis

Details of food and fuel shortages in Cuba unveiled by ministers amidst economic crisis

Nov 22⁣ (Reuters) – Senior Cuban officials have over several weeks provided an increasingly dire snapshot of a ⁢deepening economic crisis in a series ‍of televised prime-time appearances, revealing the extent of the downturn ‌in unprecedented detail.

Minister after minister have delivered the ‌bad news as​ the import-dependent Communist-run country weathers a fourth year ‍of crisis, scraping by with a minimum of foreign exchange as output plummets.

Food production, the supply of phamaceuticals and transportation are down⁢ by at least​ 50% since 2018, the ⁣top officials said, and continued to decline this year in large part due to chronic fuel⁣ shortages and power⁢ outages.

Cuba ‍imports most of the food​ and fuel it consumes, but revenues have‌ plunged ‍following the pandemic, ‍hampered by stiff U.S. sanctions ⁣and floundering tourism, once a mainstay of the Caribbean island economy.

“The‍ ministers ⁤provided new‌ information revealing just ‌how serious the crisis is and that‌ growth this ‌year​ is​ very doubtful,” Cuban economist Omar Everleny said.

Production of pork, rice and beans – all staples on the Cuban dinner plate – are down ⁤by more than 80% this ⁢year over pre-crisis levels ⁢and ⁤eggs 50%, Agriculture Minister Ydael Jesus Perez said.

“It has only been​ possible to acquire⁣ 40% of the fuel, 4% ​of the ​fertilizer and⁣ 20% of the animal feed ‌required,” the minister explained.

Hospitals, ‍short on basic supplies ⁤such‍ as sutures, cotton and gauze, have done 30% fewer surgical procedures compared with 2019, according​ to data shared on state-run TV during a presentation by First Deputy Health Minister Tania Margarita Cruz. ⁢Nearly 68% ‍of basic pharmaceuticals are not available or ⁢in⁤ short⁢ supply.

Public transportation, vital in a‍ country where ⁤few have vehicles, has also been ​hobbled ‍by fuel shortages and difficulties ​in obtaining spare parts.

If ‌before the⁤ collapse of former benefactor the Soviet Union “there were 2,500 buses⁢ operating in Havana … today there are just 300 compared with 600 four years ago,” ​Transportation Minister Eduardo Rodríguez Davila ⁣said.

The ⁢ministers revealed domestic freight traffic continues to decline and is half of what it‌ was in 2019. Industry is operating at 35% of capacity.

Cuba’s government has acknowledged its state-run economy needs reform.

Local authorities, increasingly⁢ under‍ pressure as the problems and tension ratchet up, have launched programs‍ to ⁤contain hunger, build​ homes and improve the flow of transportation, but remain hamstrung by a lack of funds,⁢ they have said.

Reporting by Marc Frank;
Editing by Sandra MalerOur Standards:⁤ The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Acquire Licensing Rights, opens new tab

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