Xi’s authority dented by sudden Covid U-turn, but grip on power is as strong as ever

Xi’s authority dented by sudden Covid U-turn, but grip on power is as strong as ever

U-turn Chinese

Xi Jinping’s Authority Dented by U-turn Over Covid-19

The handling of Covid-19 by Chinese President, Xi Jinping, was recently called into question following a surprise move in which a Chinese city was placed under lockdown following a new Covid-19 outbreak. The U-turn has dented Xi’s authority on the global stage and raises questions about his approach to the pandemic and its impact on the Chinese population.

Internal Criticisms

Xi has faced criticisms from within China for the way he has handled the virus. He was heavily criticized for initially downplaying the scale and severity of the virus and allowing millions of people to attend the Lunar New Year celebrations and travel throughout the country. This response has been pointed to by some as one of the key factors that allowed the virus to spread across the world, leading to disastrous consequences.

Grip on Power Still Remains

Despite this setback, it should be noted that the impact of his U-turn on Xi’s grip on power is likely to be minimal. He remains extremely popular in China and continues to enjoy widespread support from the public and the Party. His position as leader of the all-powerful Chinese Communist Party remains unquestioned and his current policies are popular with the general population.

A Lesson for Other Countries

While Xi’s authority may have been damaged by the U-turn, it is also a lesson for other countries. As the world continues to battle against the ongoing pandemic, it is important to take decisive action and not allow complacency to set in. The Chinese pandemic response should be used as an example of the actions that need to be taken in order to mitigate the spread of the virus and reduce its impact.


The U-turn taken by Xi Jinping on the handling of Covid-19 has undoubtedly dented his authority, however his grip on power is still as strong as ever. It is now a lesson for other countries to ensure that decisive action is taken to help prevent the spread and reduce the impact of the virus on their populations. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s sudden U-turn on Covid-19 containment has raised doubts about his authority, but his grip on power is as strong as ever.

In response to a new Covid-19 outbreak in the northern Chinese province of Hebei, President Xi moved swiftly to shut the province’s capital Shijiazhuang and two county-level cities down. The new lockdown reflects a dramatic shift away from a year-long approach of managing the virus through localised lockdowns, instead of imposing national restrictions that could threaten China’s fragile economic recovery.

This shift in approach has cast some doubt on the President’s authority in the country, as there appears to be some confusion over who is making the decisions in China. This has been compounded by the lack of public communication and even advice from top officials, leaving experts in the dark as to why Xi chose to change his approach to the pandemic so suddenly.

Despite this, it is unlikely to have any lasting impact on President Xi’s power. The Chinese President continues to enjoy immense support both from within the party and from the public, and his agenda enjoys broad backing from all branches of the Chinese government.

In the long run, it is likely that President Xi’s recent U-turn on Covid-19 containment will do little to dent his authority. He continues to exert tight control over both the political and economic aspects of Chinese life, and is still widely viewed as a strong and capable leader. The Chinese people have grown accustomed to the president’s authoritarian style, and his recent U-turn on Covid-19 containment has not been enough to shake their confidence in him.

Whilst there may be some confusion over the president’s leadership style, it is undeniable that there is an underlying unity in the message of the Chinese government: to continue to fight the virus with comprehensive and decisive measures. President Xi’s clear and decisive strategy is likely to be enough to keep him at the helm of the world’s second-largest economy for some time to come.

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