DeSantis refutes own abortion law, assures women won’t face criminal charges

DeSantis refutes own abortion law, assures women won’t face criminal charges

Ron⁣ DeSantis has contradicted the wording of the six-week⁣ abortion ban that he himself signed into law‌ in‍ April, insisting that women who terminate their pregnancies will not be ‌criminalized under the prohibition.

The Florida governor and Republican White ⁢House hopeful told CBS Evening News that women would ​not be liable for fines and imprisonment under the ban. Only doctors who perform abortions would be targeted.

Republican candidates grapple with post-Roe positioning on ‌abortionRead⁣ more

“We have no criminal penalty. The penalties​ are for the physician,” he⁤ said.

Yet the wording of SB 300 is written broadly enough that it could be ​interpreted as applying not only to doctors but also to pregnant women. ‍It says that “any person who willfully performs, or actively participates in a termination of pregnancy” in violation of the new ​law can be‌ charged with a felony.

DeSantis was asked by CBS News whether a woman was not “actively participating” in the termination of her pregnancy. He replied: “No, because she’s not a medical practitioner.”

Florida’s six-week abortion ban, which state ‍Republicans​ refer ⁢to ⁤by ‌the medically​ misleading ‍title the‍ “heartbeat protection act”, is⁤ currently on hold as it faces⁣ a legal ⁢challenge before the state supreme court. While those legal proceedings are⁢ ongoing, an earlier 15-week abortion ban is in operation.

DeSantis’s protestations that women were safe under the pending ban, and its contradiction with possible interpretations of the legislation, speaks to the dual standards that ​many Republicans have applied ⁣to this issue. They strive to appear as tough ​on abortion as possible, to appeal‌ to the hard-right base of their party, while at the same time ‍trying to appear moderate so as not ​to alienate the general ​voters,⁢ especially women.

“Ron DeSantis may try to⁤ pull⁣ the wool over ⁤voters’ eyes, but Floridians know that he’ll stop at nothing⁢ to ban abortion and punish the people who have them,”‍ Laura Goodhue, executive director of‌ Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood⁢ Affiliates, told the Guardian. “He has signed two devastating abortion bans, and he did that without any thought of the consequences‍ for Floridians and their families.”

Goodhue added ‍that while the abortion ​ban does not explicitly criminalize those​ seeking care, it has already created a dangerous climate for them.

“Floridians in need of abortion ⁣have ‍reported being‍ afraid to seek help from their loved‍ ones or to ⁢leave the state for care where it‌ is legal,” she said.

The six-week prohibition, introduced in the wake of the US supreme⁤ court’s decision to overturn the right to an abortion in its Dobbs ruling, has been criticised as extreme because at ‌that stage many women do not even know⁤ that they are pregnant. The bill​ contains very ‍limited⁢ exceptions, including to save the woman’s ​life.

Women wanting to terminate pregnancies resulting from rape or incest have until 15 weeks providing‌ they can prove⁣ their claim with…

2023-09-14 14:02:20
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