Crafting a Reputation System: Star Wars Outlaws Authors Develop Unique Game Feature

Discover⁣ how reputation and wanted ⁢systems are ⁢intricately woven into the fabric of Star Wars Outlaws, as‍ explained by Game Informer journalist Brian Shea.

Kay Vess, the protagonist, finds herself entangled with four notorious criminal factions: the Pyke Syndicate, Crimson Dawn, Hutt ‍Cartel, and‍ Ashiga ​Clan. Balancing reputation with these local bosses becomes ‌a constant juggling act ⁣for players. The enigmatic Zerek Besh, representing the fifth faction, stands as a ⁣universal antagonist, steering clear of⁢ any ​alliances ⁢with Vess.

Right from the start, ‌our aim was to craft a narrative‌ centered around scoundrels, where choices hold significant ‍weight. Reputation serves as⁣ a pivotal tool for player ⁤engagement within the game. We’ve intricately⁢ linked‍ every‍ aspect of the game to this concept.

lead system designer Matthieu Delisle

The wanted level⁣ system in​ Star Wars Outlaws draws⁤ parallels to Grand ⁤Theft Auto. As Vess breaks the law, pursuit escalates, culminating in elite units at the highest⁣ wanted ‌level.

To evade capture, Vess can hide or opt for a ‌bribe. Imperial⁤ officers ‌can ⁢be bribed to lower‍ the wanted level.

Star Wars Outlaws is set to launch on August 30 for PC, Xbox ⁤Series, and PlayStation 5, ‍with Russian subtitles‍ available.

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