COP28 Presents a ‘Challenging’ Gathering of Climate Leaders in Spain

COP28 Presents a ‘Challenging’ Gathering of Climate Leaders in Spain

Spain’s Energy ⁢Minister Teresa Ribera has cautioned that ⁤discussions at the ​COP28 climate summit ⁢will be⁣ “challenging” as⁣ she inaugurated a​ gathering ​of energy ministers and climate leaders from around the ⁤world in Madrid.

Spain, which⁤ currently holds ‌the ⁤rotating presidency of the European‍ Council, is advocating for an​ international coalition‍ to support the 2015 Paris agreement’s objective⁣ of limiting global warming to​ 1.5 ‌degrees ​Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) ⁤above preindustrial levels.

During the COP28 conference, countries will evaluate the insufficiency⁣ of‌ efforts‍ to ‍address ⁣climate change in relation to the goals set by the Paris Agreement and discuss strategies to⁤ get⁢ back on track.

The International Energy​ Agency’s​ chief, Fatih Birol, ​outlined five conditions for the upcoming summit to⁢ be deemed successful. These⁢ conditions include‍ tripling global capital expenditure on renewables, doubling energy efficiency improvements, and reaching an agreement on mechanisms to facilitate clean energy financing ⁤in developing nations.

Furthermore, he stated that global consumption of ⁣coal, oil, and natural gas may ⁤reach its peak before ‍2030.

During the conference, COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber announced that over 20 oil and gas companies ​have responded positively to the ‍call for alignment‌ with net zero​ emissions by 2050, the elimination of methane emissions, and the cessation⁣ of routine flaring by 2030. However, he did⁢ not provide further details.

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