Conquer the World of Like A Dragon: Mastering Boss Battles for Limitless Riches

Conquer the World of Like A Dragon: Mastering Boss Battles for Limitless Riches

One of the standout features of‍ Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is its incredibly challenging boss ⁢battles. The game’s turn-based combat system, new ⁤mechanics, and complex ⁣job and character systems make it one of the most strategically demanding games in the series. The boss fights are where this complexity is ‌most evident.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for the final boss of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.]

Throughout their journey⁣ in Honolulu, Ichiban, Kiryu, and their party face⁣ a ‍diverse range of ‍enemies, ⁣from wannabe gangsters to giant sea monsters.‍ The boss battles are distinguished by dramatic intros, quick-time‍ events, and celebrity cameos. There are twelve major bosses in the game, each with varying levels of difficulty. These are all the big bosses fought in Like a⁤ Dragon: Infinite Wealth, ranked ⁣from easiest to hardest.

The first boss, Roman, is not ​overly challenging, but dealing with⁤ him and his goons simultaneously can be a bit annoying.⁤ However, the fight takes place in a bar, which provides a unique advantage: ​ there are stools everywhere, allowing Ichiban ‌and his party to execute weapon⁤ attacks for extra damage almost every turn.

Controlling the crowd is relatively simple, with one character, likely Ichiban⁢ or Kiryu, tanking ⁣the majority of the enemies in the back corner of the bar, while the others unleash AoEs and ⁣back attacks. With careful positioning and HP management, Roman should be defeated in no time.

2024-01-31 18:00:05
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