Coelacanths Flourished in Switzerland Following a Mass Extinction, Reveals Fossil Study

Coelacanths Flourished in Switzerland Following a Mass Extinction, Reveals Fossil Study

The study of a new species ‍of coelacanth from ⁤the ‌Middle Triassic⁣ period, with a strange ‌morphology for these fish known as “living fossil,” show ⁤the formation of several species in a short time, after ⁣a‍ mass extinction that occurred ⁤252⁤ million years ‍ago, with ‌more than​ 80% of marine ​species disappearing.

Researchers ⁣from the‌ Museum of Natural History of Geneva and⁣ the University of Geneva (UNIGE)⁣ have⁤ compared‌ fossils discovered in the Grisons​ and in Ticino. Their ‌findings are published in the ⁣journal ⁣Scientific⁣ Reports.

Coelacanths are strange fish ‍that are currently only known from two species found along the East African coast and in Indonesia. Their fins, among other characteristics, show‍ that these animals are evolutionarily‌ closer⁢ to terrestrial vertebrates, including humans, ‌than‌ to⁣ other​ fish. ⁣They therefore give an idea of our⁤ species’ ⁤fish ancestor looked like. ⁣Over the 420 million years⁣ that the coelacanth lineage has​ existed, the various species have evolved quite slowly,‌ earning⁣ them the nickname⁤ “living⁢ fossils.”

A few years ago, two coelacanth fossils,⁣ discovered in Triassic rocks ‌in the⁣ Grisons region ‍of eastern Switzerland, ⁣turned‍ out to belong to‌ a new very ‍strange-looking species, Foreyia maxkuhni, with a​ very​ short body and ⁢a dome-shaped skull.

This initial ‌discovery prompted researchers ⁣to⁢ look⁢ at ‌other​ coelacanth fossils discovered in the UNESCO World Heritage ⁣site of Monte San Giorgio in Ticino‍ (Italian ‍Switzerland). These fossils are‍ the same ⁣age​ as those from Grisons.⁣ These specimens were⁢ discovered in the mid-20th century‌ and are preserved‌ in the Paleontological ‌Museum of ⁣Zurich. They have never been studied‍ in detail because of the difficulty​ of interpreting⁢ them.

2023-07-20 12:00:03
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